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/** * Localization required. <span class="signature signature_252699">[[User:Liangent|Liangent]]([[User talk:Liangent|留言]])</span> 2013年4月8日 (一) 10:20 (UTC) * * Simple user interface for managing settings * This script only cares for the user interface. * It remains your task to save the settings * e.g. using 'ext.gadget.SettingsManager' or 'jquery.jStorage' or 'jquery.cookie' * * @rev 1 (2012-09-19) * @author Rillke, 2012 * @license This software is quadruple-licensed under GFDL, LGPL, GPL and CC-By-SA 3.0 * Choose the license(s) you like best * * Usage instructions: See "smMembers = {" */ // List the global variables for jsHint-Validation. Please make sure that it passes // Scheme: globalVariable:allowOverwriting[, globalVariable:allowOverwriting][, globalVariable:allowOverwriting] /*global jQuery:false, mediaWiki:false*/ // Set jsHint-options. You should not set forin or undef to false if your script does not validate. /*jshint forin:true, noarg:true, noempty:true, eqeqeq:true, bitwise:true, strict:true, undef:true, curly:false, browser:true*/ ( function ( $, mw, undefined ) { 'use strict'; /******************************** ** ** Translation ** ********************************/ mw.messages.set({ 'sui-button-save': "OK", 'sui-button-save-page': "Temporarily on this page only", 'sui-button-save-account-publicly': "Publicly visible into your account", 'sui-button-save-account-private': "Into your account (private memory)", 'sui-button-save-browser': "Into your browser (local storage)", 'sui-button-save-cookie': "Into your browser (a cookie)", 'sui-button-cancel': "Cancel", 'sui-button-defaults': "Fill-in defaults", 'sui-title': "Preferences for $1", 'sui-intro': "Customise $1 according to your wishes", 'sui-save-location': "Where would you like to save the configuration for $1?", 'sui-save-location-title': "Location to store the preferences" }); var smMembers, smPrivate, nOEvents = 'input.numbersOnly keyup.numbersOnly'; $('.numbersOnly').unbind(nOEvents).live(nOEvents, function () { var oldVal = this.value, newVal = oldVal.replace(/[^0-9]/g,''); if (oldVal !== newVal) this.value = newVal; }); function SUI(settings, tool, saveoptions, title, intro) { // Invoked as a constructor if (this.settings) { if (settings) this.settings = settings; if (tool) this.tool = tool; if (saveoptions) this.saveoptions = saveoptions; if (title) this.title = title; if (intro) this.intro = intro; return this; // Invoked as a function } else { return new SUI(settings, tool, saveoptions, title, intro); } } smPrivate = { getObjLen: function(obj) { var i = 0; for (var elem in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(elem)) i++; } return i; }, each: function(obj, cb) { var i = 0; for (var elem in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(elem)) { if (false === cb(i, elem, obj[elem])) break; i++; } } return obj; }, $objToSelect: function(obj) { var $sel = $('<select>'); this.each(obj, function(i, k, v) { $('<option>').attr({ value: v }).text(k).appendTo($sel); }); return $sel; } }; smMembers = { constructor: SUI, version: '', // * - required // // An array of settings-objects. A settings-object consists of // label*, value, select (in case you wish a select, pass an object with caption-value-pairs OR a function that creats a select), // name* (must be also valid for a HTML id attribute), min, max, default* // e.g. { label: "A sample property description", value: 1, name: 'sample_property', min:0, max:100 } settings: {}, // * The tool's name that makes use of settings-UI tool: '', // Which options to show (c.f. "sui-button-save-" at mw.messages.set) saveoptions: ['page', 'account-publicly'], // Title of the settings-UI title: "", // Introductory text on top of the settings intro: "", /** * Show a dialog that contains controls for adjusting settings. * * @example * .SettingsUI([ { label: "A test setting label", value: 5, name: 'optionName', min:0, max:100, default: 0 }, { label: "A second label", value: "cba", name: 'collatingOrder', select: { "Ascending": 'abc', "Descending": 'cba' }, default: "abc" } ], "MyTool") .show().progress(__myProgressCallback).done(function() { console.log("Selected> DONE!") }); * * @context {} * * @return {Object} jQuery Deferred object ( */ show: function() { var sui = this, $progress = new $.Deferred(); mw.loader.using([ 'jquery.ui.dialog', 'jquery.ui.slider', 'jquery.ui.button', 'mediawiki.user', 'ext.gadget.libJQuery' ], function() { sui._show($progress); }); return $progress; }, _show: function($progress) { var sui = this, $dlg, $saveButton; $dlg = sui.$dlg = $('<div>').attr({ id: 'sui_' + sui.tool, title: sui.title || sui._msg('title') }); $('<p>').attr('class', 'sui-intro').text(sui.intro || sui._msg('intro')).appendTo($dlg); $dlg.$c = $('<div>').css('padding', '3px').appendTo($dlg); smPrivate.each(sui.settings, function(i, c, s) { var $sDiv = $('<div>', { id: 'sui_cfg_' + + '_wrap' }).data('cfg', s), vl = s.value, id = 'sui_cfg_' +, $label, $valEl, $valEl2; $label = $('<label>').attr({ 'for': id }).text(s.label).appendTo($sDiv); $('<br>').appendTo($sDiv); switch (typeof s['default']) { case 'number': $valEl = $('<input>').attr({ type: 'text', size: (s.max+'').length, id: id, 'class': 'numbersOnly' }) .focus(function() { $(this).select(); }) .keyup(function(e) { var val = this.value = this.value.replace(/[^0-9]/g,''); if (val) { if (val > s.max) { this.value = s.max; } else if (val < s.min) { this.value = s.min; } $valEl2.slider('option', 'value', this.value); } }).val(vl).appendTo($sDiv); $valEl2 = $('<div>', { style: 'margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:5px;' }).slider({ min: s.min, max: s.max, value: vl, change: function(e, ui) { $valEl.val( ui.value ); }, slide: function(e, ui) { $valEl.val( ui.value ); } }).appendTo($sDiv); break; case 'string': if ('function' === typeof { $sDiv.append('id', id).val(vl)); } else if ('object' === typeof { $sDiv.append(smPrivate.$objToSelect('id', id).val(vl)); } else { $('<input>', { type: 'text', id: id, style: 'width:99%' }).val(vl).appendTo($sDiv); } break; case 'boolean': $valEl = $('<input>', { type: 'checkbox', id: id }).appendTo($sDiv); if (vl) $valEl[0].checked = true; break; } $sDiv.find('input,select').keyup(function(e) { if (13 === Number(e.which)) { $; } }); $sDiv.append('<hr/>', '<br/>').appendTo($dlg.$c); }); var btns = {}, _saveSelectionDlg, _onSave; _onSave = function($el) { var loc = $'loc'); smPrivate.each(sui.settings, function(i, c, s) { var val, name =, id = '#sui_cfg_' + name, $ctrl = $(id); if ('boolean' === typeof s['default']) { val = $ctrl[0].checked; } else if ('number' === typeof s['default']) { val = Number($ctrl.val()); } else { val = $ctrl.val(); } s.value = val; }); $progress.resolve( "save", "User selected save location.", loc, sui.settings, $dlg ); }; _saveSelectionDlg = function() { var $saveDlg = $('<div>').append($('<p>').text(sui._msg('save-location'))), $btnOuter = $('<div>').attr({ 'class': 'sui-cfg-saveselect-buttons' }).appendTo($saveDlg), $btnInner; smPrivate.each(sui.saveoptions, function(i, c, o) { if (o.indexOf('account') > 0 && mw.user.isAnon()) return; var $btnInner = $('<div>').css('text-align', 'center').appendTo($btnOuter); $('<button>', { role: 'button', 'class': 'ui-button-large', data: { loc: o } }) .text(sui._msg('button-save-' + o)) .click(function() { // First resolve the Deferred _onSave($(this)); // Then, close the dialog $saveDlg.dialog('close'); }) .button() .appendTo($btnInner); }); $saveDlg.dialog({ title: sui._msg('save-location-title'), modal: true, width: Math.min(670, $(window).width()), close: function () { $(this).remove(); $progress.reject( "usercanceled", "User canceled." ); } }); $progress.notify( "savedlg", "Save location select.", $dlg ); }; btns[sui._msg('button-save')] = _saveSelectionDlg; btns[sui._msg('button-cancel')] = function() { $(this).dialog('close'); }; btns[sui._msg('button-defaults')] = function() { smPrivate.each(sui.settings, function(i, c, s) { var $ctr = $('#sui_cfg_'; if ('boolean' === typeof s['default']) { $ctr[0].checked = s['default']; } else { $ctr.val(s['default']); } $ctr.keyup(); }); $progress.notify( "defaultsin", "Defaults set.", $dlg ); }; $dlg.dialog({ modal: true, resizable: false, width: Math.min(670, $(window).width()), close: function () { $(this).remove(); $progress.reject( "usercanceled", "User canceled." ); }, buttons: btns, open: function() { var $dlg = $(this), $parent = $dlg.dialog('widget'), $buttons = $parent.find('.ui-dialog-buttonpane button'); $saveButton = $buttons.eq(0).specialButton('proceed'); $buttons.eq(1).specialButton('cancel'); $buttons.eq(2).button({ icons: { primary: 'ui-icon-refresh' } }); $dlg.dialog('option', 'height', Math.min($parent.height(), $(window).height())); if ($(window).scrollTop() > $parent.position().top) $dlg.dialog('option', 'position', 'top'); } }); $progress.notify( "dlgup", "Dialog created.", $dlg ); }, hide: function() { // TODO: Implement }, _msg: function(key) { var args =, 0); args[0] = 'sui-' + args[0]; args[args.length] = this.tool; return mw.message.apply(this, args).parse(); } }; // Add members to prototype SUI.fn = SUI.prototype = smMembers; // Expose globally = SUI; }( jQuery, mediaWiki ));